Marshall Elementary School
Oxnard, CA
At Marshall Elementary, the CAPIT Reading Curriculum produced remarkable results for kindergarten ELL students. Students needing urgent intervention decreaesd from 3% to 0%, and the number of students meeting or exceeding benchmarks rose from 48% to 57%. Read more about how CAPIT supported ELL learners in achieving these significant advancements.
“In my 14 years of teaching EL kindergarten students, I have never witnessed such remarkable ability and performance as I have this year, thanks to CAPIT. Traditionally, I have never administered a CVC Test or a Writing Test in the winter; however, CAPIT’s program enabled my students to acquire these skills so rapidly that this was the first year I could do so. Additionally, CAPIT’s approach not only supports students at various levels but also fosters class cohesion, making it an invaluable resource in our classroom.”
“In over 30 years, I never experienced 0% of my students not needing urgent intervention after a winter assessment.”