The CAPIT Mid-Year
Literacy Acceleration Grant

Are you concerned about mid-year reading scores?

The CAPIT Literacy Grant provides schools and districts access to the evidence-based CAPIT Reading Curriculum, designed to help young learners make rapid gains and achieve grade-level reading.

Now Accepting Grant Applications Through February 28, 2025.
Limited Grants Available—
Choose Your Grant and Apply Early!

CAPIT Reading is Evidence-Based, Research-Validated, and Rooted in the Science of Reading:

  • A Johns Hopkins University study found that Preschool students using CAPIT were 46% more likely to achieve kindergarten readiness compared to other students in the district not using CAPIT.

  • These students experienced gains that correspond to 46 additional days of learning over the course of a 180-day school year, the equivalent of an additional two months of learning. Read the Study.

Grant Benefits

  • Science of Reading-Based Curriculum: Ensures measurable outcomes, helping PK-2 students build the foundational skills they need to read at grade level.

  • Easy-to-Use Platform:
    Simplifies implementation and adds consistency for educators with tailored implementation support.

  • Actionable Data:
    Empowering teachers to deliver individualized instruction.

  • Engaging Multisensory Approach:
    Captivating students and enhancing learning effectiveness so you can focus on prevention instead of intervention.

Who Should Apply?

Schools that are unsatisfied with their mid-year reading scores and are committed to improving student outcomes by the end of this School year.

Get Started in 4 Steps

Step 1: Apply for a Grant • 5 Minutes
Step 2: Learn about CAPIT • 60 Minutes
Step 3: Receive and Accept the Grant
Step 4: Roster • Train Teachers (3 hours) • Begin!

Limited Grants Available!

Evidence-Based, Research Validated, and Based on the Science of Reading!

A Johns Hopkins University study found that Preschool students using CAPIT were 46% more likely to achieve KG readiness.

A third-party study found that Kinder students experienced 29% growth in early literacy skills in 6 months.

A Johns Hopkins University study found that First-Grade students using CAPIT consistently outperform their peers on state literacy assessments.