We provide educators of beginner and struggling readers with an evidence-based solution that empowers them to create confident, lifelong readers.
A Comprehensive All-In-One Phonics Supplement that Focuses on Prevention Instead of Intervention.
Easily integrates with any English Language Arts curriculum.
Seamless differentiation for individual student practice. Ensures every student progresses at their own pace for maximum success.
Explicit and systematic lessons in phonemic awareness and phonics. Builds a strong foundation for reading.
Rigorous practice in reading, spelling, handwriting, keyboarding, and vocabulary. Develops comprehensive literacy skills for academic excellence.
Embedded assessments and real-time actionable data. Empowers educators with insights to address student needs immediately.
Professional learning for teachers and administrators. Equips educators with the tools and strategies to teach effectively.
Multisensory classroom resources. Engages students through diverse learning modalities.
Serving the Following Student Groups
With CAPIT Reading, all students can experience the benefits and joys of reading!
Preschool students learn to read and spell before entering Kindergarten.
Independent research found that kindergarten students gain 29% in just 6 months.
Students outperform their peers on state literacy assessments.
Efficacy and Research
Grounded in the Science of Reading, CAPIT Reading has been independently verified to significantly improve student literacy outcomes.
Early Literacy is a Significant Challenge
The National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) reports that over 60% of US students read below grade level.
Reaching students from diverse backgrounds with varying literacy levels and English language proficiencies is a significant challenge.
Reach More Students Effectively!
CAPIT Reading’s unique approach empowers educators to reach more students quickly and effectively!
Dr. Kingsby, Principal
Los Angeles, CA
“The learning gap? I don’t think our first-grade teachers will have one, and that’s all because of CAPIT.”
CAPIT is a comprehensive solution you can enjoy risk-free!
Explore CAPIT Reading, a solution that:
Supports each student's unique learning gaps, differences, and backgrounds;
Enhances student confidence;
Improves reading scores;
Creates a strong foundation for lifelong learning!